Wednesday, October 30, 2019

English composition 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English composition 2 - Research Paper Example There are a number of social and economic factors, which promote illicit and offensive behavior in young adults, such as, loneliness, poverty, disorganized family structures, and materialism. The types of crimes associated with juveniles usually include bullying, theft, drug abuse, and disorderly conduct. However, current researches show that some juveniles also commit serious crimes, such as, homicide, arson, vandalism, robbery, assault, auto theft, and rape. â€Å"On average, juveniles were arrested for violent robberies or carjackings at least once a day last year, an almost 50 percent increase from 2007† (Klein). In this paper, we will discuss the importance of reducing juvenile crimes. Moreover, we will also discuss some ways, which can be used to reduce the rate of juvenile crimes in the United States of America. Reduction in Juvenile Crimes In today’s world, the issue of juvenile crime has reached its heights all over the world and the United States of America is not an exception. It is the responsibility of the government of the United States to take such measures, which should not only result in the reduction of juvenile crimes but also in eliminating their root causes.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Essay Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay Essay Two ancient enemies now united through a sole cause   Foes for an age, maybe longer. Antediluvian hatred stemming from an unknown, long-forgotten beginning. All this envy, all this revulsion, building and boiling, amassing and gathering for a thousand eras ended in the setting of four suns.  So, are these not happy times in which we now reside? Are the peoples of fair Verona joyous and liberal under the united houses of Montague and Capulet? I say not. Instead of a peace filled with elation and euphoria, there is a darker, solemn peace which hangs over the city like a cloud of smoke, encapsulating every citizen, engulfing them with sorrow and mourning; for the dusty veils of the local tombs are freshly lifted, and inside lay the youthful bodies of five untimely slain teens.   But now as the people of Verona weep for their lost citizens, so do the Heavens, as if in mourning for those who have since left us. But falling upon the citys clay roofs are not just tears of sorrow, but tears of rejuvenation. Tears that are set to wash away the troubled times that have stained the air of the streets for generations too long, leaving the clean, freshness of a city being reborn under united powers. I, Friar Lawrence, was sworn into the Franciscan Order nearly a generation before that fateful day. On that day I pledged to aid and protect those who are haunted by the ghosts of their sins, and the phantoms of their indecisions. For many annums I have done that very things which I swore to, from the rising till the setting of Gods sun on every date, did I serve Him, and abet His loyal followers in any way I could.  So whatever did I do to anger Him? Why did He, on this day of any, choose to make my decisions so ill, and let me bring an end to the days of so many, who have had so few? Why did He, after all my fidelity and allegiance, not intervene, and stop Fate laying his demoralizing hand on the shoulders of my Romeo, his only love, and those so close to them both?  O Lord, please forgive my folly thoughts. Never for any moment of any eternity would I question your ways, perplexing as they may be. Maybe those chosen few were too good for this place, and as shall those star-crossed lovers be in the city centre of Fair Verona, sculpted in Gold, for all to witness and perceive, you too have immortalised them with you, their Heavenly Father. Even if that is not so, you, ruler of all the worlds, should not have to intercede with your creation of man every time he leaves his clumsy, feeble arms open to the embrace of Fate, and Death. It is for us, as people, to shelter ourselves against the chill of ill-being and the frosts of inanity. And it is my post, as priest, to spread this knowledge to the innocence and naivety of the Veronian people. So it is I who has failed. Failed myself, failed you, my Lord, and failed those who are now at your side. And for it I should pay. Never once would I complain if when I am to pass away, instead of allowing me to meet and ask forgiveness from fair Romeo explain my rash, careless, unplanned decisions, you damn me to the fiery, harsh unforgiving home of all that is corrupt, and make me confess my stupidities to Beelzebub himself.  I fear too early; for my mind misgives some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin his fearful date with nights revel and expire the term of despised life, closed in my breath. Those were the words Romeo told me he spoke. Outside the Capulets party I think he said. He told me he was suddenly overcome by anguish and sorrow, that he may be victim to the cruel, icy emptiness of an premature departure. I wonder if he realised how early it was to dawn? Poor Romeo trusted me and I betrayed him. When he was forsaken by his true love Rosaline, was it not me who he sought? And then when that frail juvenile adore was shattered by the newfound mature love for Juliet, once again did he seek me for help.  And yes, I did agree to join them in matrimony. Yes, I broke my oath, and destroyed everything the priesthood stands for by carrying out those nuptials, but was I really wrong? Is it really flawed to do what you can to help a young boy, so sick with love he cannot think clear over the thunder of his heart? Maybe I should have turned him away, told him to get a hold of himself. These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume. Were the words I spoke, but should I have said them with more meaning? With more belief? After all, he had only just met this fair queen of whom he wished to marry. But his eyes told a different tale. In a single gaze I could see that young boys heart, and that young boys soul. This was not just another reckless engagement. He loved this lady more than the earth, and he would as long as the stars shone in the sky, and the rivers flowed in the valleys.  So maybe what I did wasnt advised by my Order and my Book, but it was advised by my heart. And all I ever hoped to attain was peace for the two houses For this alliance may so prove to turn your households rancor to pure love were the world I spoke to the houses; too long tormented by the rage they felt for one another to ever seek a rational concession. And now that is what I have. But they are not aligned behind the joyous, merriment of a wedlock, but the bleak emptiness of an early funeral.  And was that not the only fallacious choice I made during those last frightful days? I can now only wish. For not only did I bring those children their most happy hour, for I also gave them their most dreadful; their last.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Political Protest under the Totalitarian System Essay example -- Total

The paper concerns the principles presupposed in political protest against the totalitarian regime. In contrast to the utilitarian view of participating in political protest (K.D.Opp, M. Taylor) the author tries to suggest the moral model of political protest. According to this model, the main reason and motif for challenging the regime is the transgression of the limits of concession, which jeopardizes the spiritual identity and essential qualities of the individuals and all groups (i.e., Church, family, nation). The participants of the protest do not calculate in terms of egoistic or private interests and utilities but in terms of moral values. They consider what action is morally "good" and "bad" or morally "better" or "worse" in this situation, disregarding their personal profits and happiness. The overthrow of the communist system is an incalculating and contingent result of combating the extreme manifestations and worst excesses of the system. 1. Protest in Defense of Identity There are three essential forms of opposing the totalitarian system: covert passive resistance, overt non-violent protest, and armed struggle. The first form of activity results, in a way, from a combination of utilitarian calculating and axiological considerations. The oppositionists may cooperate with the rà ©gime and publicly countenance it, while at the same time they venture to take action in order to liberalize the system and take the edge off the dictatorship, whenever this is possible, i.e., not noticed by the authorities, legitimate, or profitable in view of the mildness of the punishment faced by the offenders. Both individuals and institutions may follow this pattern. Under the Communist rule in Eastern Europe, even persons holding publ... ...pp, "Repression and Revolutionary Action: East Germany in 1989," Rationality and Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1994, pp. 101–138; M. Taylor, Anarchy and Cooperation, London, 1976; M. Taylor [ed.], Rationality and Revolution, Cambridge, 1988. (7) M. Weber, Gesammelte Aufsà ¤tze zur Wissenschaftslehre, Tà ¼bingen, 1973, especially Chapters II & X. (8) Cf. A. Michnik, Z dziejà ³w honoru w Polsce [From the History of Honor in Poland], Warszawa, 1993. (9) Cf. V. Havel, Sila bezsilnych [The Power of the Powerless], Berlin, 1995. (10) Arystoteles [Aristotle], Etyka Nikomachejska [Nichomachean Ethics], Warszawa, 1956, Books III & V. (11) T. Buksinski, „Kategoria etycznosci a rzeczywistosc krajà ³w postkomunistycznych" ["The Category of the Ethical vs. the Reality of the Post-Communist Countries"], Edukacja Filozoficzna, 1995, No. 19, pp. 123–132. (12) J. Kuron, op. cit.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alexander the Great’s Military Accomplishments Essay

There is only one other man who is written about in at the level of Jesus Christ, his name was Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great is one of the most told about, and written about Kings of the ancient world. Not only was he a vastly loved and appreciated leader to his army but he was a conqueror of much of his known world. His military genius and tactics, even at his young age of attaining the throne from his father Philip II after he was assassinated, were unrivaled resulting in him never to lose a battle. Alexander the Great had no easy time upon his ascent to the throne, the authors said â€Å"He had to put down the revolts that erupted immediately after Philip’s death-notably at Thebes.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90) The dispute in Thebes was settled when Alexander the Great punished them by tearing down their walls. Two years after Alexander had settled all the unrest in his new kingdom he turned his sights on Darius III and his kingdom of Persia. The kingdom of Persia was led by Darius III, the authors state â€Å"Darius III was a minor member of the royal family who had been placed on the throne after a palace coup.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). Darius had ascended the throne the same year as Alexander but at the much older age of 45 in comparison to Alexander at the age of 20Darius’ first mistake was that he and his advisors refused to take Alexander seriously even though they suffered defeat at the hands of the Greeks in the past. Perhaps it was their sheer numbers that kept the Persians from seeing past their ego’s and not understand the aim of Alexander the Great. Alexander’s conquest began with a victory at Anotlia; this was near the field that the battle of Troy took place at. He continued down the Ionian coastline in more strings of victory leading him to an opportunity that took him a year to get, Darius III. Alexander finally had the opportunity to challenge Darius personally on the river bank near Issus; the authors tell us â€Å"The chosen site†¦favored Alexander’s fast-moving infantry, not the heavy cavalry and chariots of the Persians.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). The defeat of the Persians was so bad Darius III abandoned both his army and his family, including his mother. Darius’ family was captured by Alexander the Great but was treated with the respect that their standing as a royal family called for. Darius was chased for the remainder of his life by Alexander the Great until his defeat at Gaugamela. After this defeat Darius III was killed by a local chieftain who was trying to win over A lexander’s favor however that backfired worse than the chieftain probably realized it could have, the author states â€Å"Alexander – acting as the new Great King – had the chieftain executed for treason.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). After that devastating defeat at Illus had completed his tour of conquest in Asia Minor. Syria and Palestine surrendered to the will of Alexander the Great he implemented the same tactics of Cyrus the Great which the authors explain as, â€Å"†¦a policy of offering amnesty to cities that submitted peacefully-but dealing mercilessly with those that resisted.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). The merciless example was provided at the city of Gaza on the Egyptian border where Alexander killed the men and enslaved the women and children, even going to the extreme of dragging the defeated commanders body through the streets of the freshly sacked fortress. The conquest of Egypt was much easier on Alexander’s army mainly because he was unopposed, the authors even go as far as to state, â€Å"He was welcomed as a liberator: Egypt had been governed as a Persian satrapy since 525 B.C.E.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). Alexander was actually so welcomed in Egypt he obtained the â€Å"double crown† as it were by being crowned pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt. It was in Egypt where Alexander the Great was proclaimed as the son of Ammon, a god identified with Zeus, and a god himself. It was from here that Egypt was named as the capital in the empire. The authors state, â€Å"†¦it was in Egypt that he would build his shining new city of Alexandria.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 90). Unfortunately he would not live to see the completion of this city, his return to this city was in his sarcophagus. Alexander also pushed deeper into the far reaches of Persia including his defeat of the warlord Porus at the Battle of Hydaspes in what is modern day Pakistan. This was one of his last major battles where the authors state, â€Å"†¦his famous warhorse, Bucephalus, was killed. And it was here Alexander’s exhausted army refused to go on, thousands of miles and eight years from home.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 91). Forced to turn back he headed for the Arabian Sea, when he reached Susa he indicated to combine armies with Persia and have them fight in the hoplite formation. He even arranged a mass marriage with his officers to Persian noblewomen and adopted the dress code of the Persian Empire. Alexander tried to continue his conquest but began to show the signs of malarial fever and diminishing signs of health. The authors however go as far to say I was feasible that, â€Å"†¦he was poisoned; his closest companion, Hephaistion, had died the year before at Ecbatana, leaving Alexander without his most vigilant bodyguard.† (Cole, Symes, Coffin, and Stacey 92). He refused to take the advice of his physician however, so the malarial fever does seem like the more likely of the two to have taken his life. Alexander eventually died in Babylon in Hammurabi; he never reached thirty-three years of age. Alexander the Great is one of the most told about, and written about Kings of the ancient world. Through his military prowess and tactics he was able to conquer much of the know territories but still did not live to see his dreams. There is no shortage of information on Alexander the Great as long as you know where to look, and don’t use the Colin Farrell movie. Upon researching for this paper it is no wonder why he comes second only to Jesus Christ in written down tales of his life, adventures, and conquests. Works Cited Cole, Joshua , Carol Symes, Judith Coffin, and Robert Stacey . Western Civilizations Brief Third Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2012. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Performance pay for MGOA Physicians (A) Essay

On a warm day in June of 1998, Dr. Harry Rubash stood in front of a bookshelf in his new office arranging photographs of his family and former colleagues in Pittsburgh. He looked out his window to the profusion of hospital buildings and tangled Boston streets below. It was a good picture, he thought, of the problems that faced him in his new position at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Dr. James Herndon, his former colleague at the hospital system of the University of Pittsburgh, had brought him to MGH to take over as chief of orthopaedics at Massachusetts General Orthopaedic Associates (MGOA). Herndon himself was new to MGH, having recently taken over as chairman of Partners Orthopaedics.1 Rubash and Herndon faced the ominous challenge of restoring the financial health of the ailing MGOA. The Hospital’s History In service since 1811, MGH was the third hospital founded in the United States and included the first orthopaedic service in the country, founded in 1899 by Dr. Joel E. Goldthwait, a pioneer in the field. The department had a long history of providing outstanding clinical care, in addition to making significant contributions to medical research and teaching. It was an MGH doctor who first made the discovery of a herniated disc. In fact, the annals of orthopaedic literature were filled with disorders that bore the names of the MGH doctors who discovered them. The prestige of both MGH and the orthopaedic department was well-deserved. In 1998, the year Rubash and Herndon arrived, the 12 surgeons at MGOA performed over 2,000 surgeries (see Table A for the number of surgeries performed from 1997 to 1999).2 The range of procedures performed covered everything from knee arthroscopy to hip replacements, to spinal surgery. The group also had a history of providing services to a wide array of patients across the socio-economic spectrum. Table B shows the group received revenues from patients with private insurance companies, patients on Medicare (government insurance for the elderly) and Medicaid (government insurance for low-income individuals and families), those covered by worker’s compensation, and self-pay patients (those without insurance). 1 Partners Healthcare was the parent company of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 2 MGOA surgeons had 252 days of surgical time per year. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Jason R. Barro, Kevin J. Bozic, MD (MBA 2001), and Research Associate Aaron M. G. Zimmerman prepared the original version of this case, Performance Pay for MGOA Physicians (A), HBS No. 902-159 which is being replaced by this version prepared by the same authors. Some names in the case have been changed. HBS cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. Copyright  © 2003 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of Harvard Business School. This document is authorized for use only in Human Resources Management – MMHA 6220 by Angela Montgomery at Laureate Education – Baltimore from February 2014 to February 2015.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Confederate Soldier and the Union Soldier essays

The Confederate Soldier and the Union Soldier essays Confederate soldiers were very proud men. When given a promotion it was like being insulted. They thought it would be better and more patriotic to be at a lower ranking. It became obvious that the country didnt just want braun but brains as well in a soldier. When a soldier was at a camp their day would begin taking roll call. After that they would go to breakfast where they would fry whatever saltpork or fatback they had, they would also have a sort of pancake batter type thing. The confederate soldier was supposed to get eleven dollars per month. However somtimes a private would go four to six months without pay. If a soldier was in training camp the day would be continuous drilling. Soldiers would als spend there time writing and reading letters and listening to music. And if their not working at all at night he would sleep as much as possible. Life as a Union soldier basically was hard and rough. There day started out with roll call. After that was breakfest, Then all the sick were called then t was cleaning up the company street. Then they had guard mounting. The Sergeant then called for picket duty and drill. Lunch came after that. They had free period then more drilling. During their free time a lot of soldiers spent their time reading. They would also gamble. There were also a lot of different groups of personalities in the camp. The most annoying of these was known as a beat. Which was known as a lazy person. The lives of the Confederate and the Union soldier were different in many ways, but one thing stands clear, they were both very proud of who they were and what they were fighting for. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Personal Mission Statement essay

buy custom Personal Mission Statement essay Personal Mission Statement.I am a God fearing and educated citizen of the US whose mission is to champion others to grow personally, professionally, emotionally, health wise and spiritually by using my compassion, my professional skills, my unique perspective, and my respect for others . This statement is only applicable at a personal level or to possible clients in need of help. It reminds me of what I have and what I can use to achieve what I hope for. It demonstrates the will to help others with what I possess for them to hit their targets. There are values of leadership in this statement like; service, respect and compassion. These values contribute to the choice of this mission statement. Health is the most important necessity that humans need to survive. Healthcare is provided for and monitored by governments through insurance plans and is delivered in different systems. The general principle is the provision of quality healthcare at affordable costs. Only qualified practitioners are allowed to provide healthcare services through fee-for-service and managed systems. In recent times, managed care has been approved due to its quality services at reduced costs. The satisfaction derived from this system has been rated higher than that of fee-for-service. However, the ultimate goal has remained despite the change in systems and the will to subscribe to a health plan is bestowed on the patient or his parents incase of a minor. This has led to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and saving of patients lives. Buy custom Personal Mission Statement essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Legendary Lycurgus the Lawgiver of Sparta

Legendary Lycurgus the Lawgiver of Sparta Athens had its Solon, the law-giver, and Sparta, its Lycurgus- at least thats what we like to believe. Like the origins of the reforms of Lycurgus, the man himself is wrapped in legend. Plutarch on Lycurgus Rise to Power Plutarch tells the story of Lycurgus as if he had been a real person, albeit an eleventh-generation descendant of Hercules, since the Greeks generally ascribed genealogy that went back to the gods when writing about important figures. In Sparta there were two kings who jointly shared the power. Lycurgus, according to Plutarch, was the younger son of one of these two kings. His older brothers wife was pregnant when both Lycurgus brother and father died, and so, the unborn would have become king- assuming it was a boy- in time. Lycurgus sister-in-law proposed to Lycurgus, saying she would do away with the child if he would marry her. In that way both she and Lycurgus would maintain power in Sparta. Lycurgus pretended to agree with her, but instead of having the child killed after birth, as was a Greek custom, Lycurgus presented the child to the men of Sparta, naming the child and saying that he was their future king. Lycurgus himself was to act as guardian and advisor until the baby ca me of age. Lycurgus Travels to Learn About Law When slander about the motives of Lycurgus got out of hand, Lycurgus left Sparta and went to Crete where he became familiar with the Cretan law code. Plutarch says Lycurgus met Homer and Thales on his travels. Recalled to Sparta, Lycurgus Institutes His Laws (Rhetra) Eventually, the Spartans decided they needed Lycurgus back and persuaded him to return to Sparta. Lycurgus agreed to do so, but first he had to consult with the Delphic Oracle. The advice of the oracle was so well respected that it would add authority to whatever was done in its name. The oracle said that the laws (rhetra) of Lycurgus would become the most famous in the world. Lycurgus Changes Spartas Social Organization With the oracle on his side, Lycurgus instituted changes in the Spartan government and provided Sparta with a constitution. In addition to changes to the government, Lycurgus altered the economy of Sparta, banning ownership of gold or silver and useless occupations. All men were to eat together in common mess halls. Lycurgus reformed Sparta socially, too. Lycurgus started the state-run education system, including the training of women, the peculiar non-monogamous Spartan marriages, and the role of the state in deciding which newborn was fit to live. Lycurgus Tricks the Spartans Into Keeping His Laws When it appeared to Lycurgus that all was being done according to his suggestions and that Sparta was on the right track, he told the Spartans that he had one more important mission. Until he returned, they were under oath not to change the laws. Then Lycurgus left Sparta and disappeared forever. That is the (condensed) story of Lycurgus, according to Plutarch. Herodotus also says the Spartans thought the laws of Lycurgus came from Crete. Xenophon says Lycurgus made them up, while Plato says the Delphic Oracle provided them. Regardless of their origin, the Delphic Oracle played an important role in the acceptance of the laws of Lycurgus. The Great Rhetra Heres a passage from Plutarchs Life of Lycurgus on his obtaining an oracle from Delphi about the establishment of his form of government: When thou has built a temple to Zeus Syllanius and Athena Syllania, divided the people into phylai, and divided them into obai, and established a Gerousia of thirty including the Archagetai, then from time to time appellazein between Babyka and Knakion, and there introduce and repeal measures; but the Demos must have the decision and the power.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Online news Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Online news - Research Paper Example a reliable source of current news during those years due to their intense research in current issues that affect the society and have impact in the people’s lives. The daily newspapers were circulated on a daily basis and were very efficient and effective in covering all the news that happens the previous days. The news coverage by the print media played a big role in enlightening the society of the issues that happened around them ( The traditional print media educated the people and society on emerging issues such as technology advancement, life skills and modern trends. The printed media such as the newspapers had various segments that educated people on these issues. Segments that highlighted facts about fashion and lifestyles enriched the society with new techniques and modern ways of grooming. There were segments that provided educative material that were very useful to students at all levels of education. They were an alternative source of cheap education material. The traditional print media provided a platform where companies could advertise their products and services. Since many people in the early 1990s depended on the print media as the only reliable source of communication, it was an effective means of advertisement. It reached many people and drove consumers to the consumption of these products and services. Companies got platforms to advertise their products in the best way possible. They had eno ugh space to present the goods and services to customers expressing all the ideas and concepts that consumers were willing to know. The advertising of services and products from these companies so their sales revenue increasing over the years. Lastly, the traditional print media contributed to the use and success of the online news since it created the foundation in which the online news had just to build on to achieve success in the field of mass media and communication (Salwen, Garrison and Driscoll 82). With the discovery of the

Understanding Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Understanding Art - Essay Example If I would never have read Frida Kahlo’s meaning to her work, I would have thought that this man was in her head, always watching with a third eye and the oppression she feels, but as she expresses to friend, â€Å" I have suffered two serious accidents in my life, one in which a streetcar ran over me†¦. The other accident was Diego.†. Her work compels me, possibly because of her bravery to not only look at the reality of her situation but also because she allowed me to view it and share her emotion.   This painting makes me feel compassion, revulsion, and other unnamed emotions.   That is what makes it good art.  If I would never have read Frida Kahlo’s meaning to her work, I would have thought that this man was in her head, always watching with a third eye and the oppression she feels, but as she expresses to friend, â€Å" I have suffered two serious accidents in my life, one in which a streetcar ran over me†¦. The other accident was Diego.â⠂¬ . Her work compels me, possibly because of her bravery to not only look at the reality of her situation but also because she allowed me to view it and share her emotion.   This painting makes me feel compassion, revulsion, and other unnamed emotions.    Art is defined by many different categories, all in which help give a greater  understanding of the purpose of art. Art can range from the occasional change in color contrast of our room to a fresh vase of roses on the dining room table.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Groupon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Groupon - Essay Example But, this company proves that there is something for everyone. What Makes Groupon Unique Groupon is unique because it offers coupons that are usually good for only the day that the person purchases the coupons on. Groupon offers a signup membership and once people sign up, they receive daily deals and side deals for their signing up. Through the personal details about preferences that people give, coupons are customized to the purchaser’s characteristics. As the customers began to purchase the deals, Groupon could provide better deals based on what the customer purchased in the past. This was a very good way for customers to gain great bargains on many things that they would normally purchase. The inventors of Groupon were smart in finding the deals that were the most popular and offering them to people who really wanted these deals. Groupon was able to hire people to go to businesses and get them interested in the idea, which was also a brilliant idea. When you have people wh o are skilled at selling to businesses, it makes acquiring businesses easier. Social Media Social media played an important role in reaching customers. By putting Groupon on Twitter and Facebook, the company could expand to greater numbers. This was a good idea because these two social media giants would spread the word very quickly about the offers and bargains for people. The expansion to 70 American cities and 80 European cities was a big boon for the company because this growth showed how good the opportunity was for the company and for their customers. Working with Business Groupon was very smart in taking 50% of the revenues that came in on the deals. Since the business decided how many deals they wanted to do at a particular price, the business kept control of how quickly they wanted customers. Also, businesses did not have to spend anything until the customers actually used the coupon. This was a very good idea. Also, customers did not have to spend on a deal until it reache d the number of people that would close the full deal. This made it easier for customers to buy more deals. Marketing Marketing was very easy for Groupon because they used Twitter and Facebook and encouraged their customers to share the deal with their friends and family. When customers referred people to Groupon and their referral bought a deal, the referral source received Groupon dollars which could be used for other Groupon deals. By hiring creative writers and also copy editors Groupon was able to highlight their unique offers. Groupon had very good ideas for marketing and they were able to bring together people who believed in their concept and who were willing to keep the company moving forward. Groupon was also smart because they did not offer run-of-the-mill offers to customers. Instead, they found deals that were interesting and fun, and things that customers may not have tried in the past. This made them more popular and opened doors for the customers to try new things. L ike any good deal, other companies began to follow Groupon’s example, but because they chose specific niches, Groupon was still able to excel. Their ability to excel had to do with the people they hired to help. They still are one of the biggest companies in this industry. Opinion I believe that Groupon did not need to sell to Google. They have a large market share and they are ever expanding. The business has done very well without

Just a general personal statement or statement of purpose

Just a general or of purpose - Personal Statement Example I almost spent two years in online tutoring K-12 students about Biochemistry. During my graduation, I never chose Biochemistry as my future field due to which, I lacked research work on the subject. I kept myself abreast with the latest developments in the field during the pause period of 2 years in my studies. Teaching Biochemistry fuelled the passion to seek higher education in the field. In addition, my father suffers from diabetic problem; this motivated me to find out reasons and choose right drugs for curing such ailments. I started tutoring Biochemistry for the reason to keep myself updated about the fast changing technologies in the field. I also read about the health effects of the increased number of diesel-powered cars on the roads. Biochemistry holds variety of interesting fields like dentistry, food science, agriculture and veterinary medicine. I am attracted to clinical chemistry where biochemists can carry out research on the diagnosis, causes of disease, and therapy t o seek help in developing drugs to combat a disease. Splendid research work of classified specialists like, Dr. Jheem Madh’s and Dr.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cases Analysis Part 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cases Analysis Part 3 - Coursework Example In this specific case, stating that if Williams ever missed a payment, the store could repossess all the items that Williams had ever bought from Walker, regardless of how long ago they were purchased is a strong example of unconscionable clause. If the clause referred only to that one purchase to which the missed payment referred, it would not be considered unreasonable and unfair. I believe that in this case, the bargaining power of the parties was definitely unequal, placing the consumer in a disadvantaged position. Therefore, Williams should ask the Court not to enforce this specific clause, based on its unconscionability and unfairness. Moreover, in multiple previous cases, it was held that a court can refuse to enforce a clause, if it considers it unconscionable. For example, a leading case in this is Scott v. United States2, where it was held by the Supreme Court that: â€Å"If a contract be unreasonable and unconscionable, but not void for fraud, a court of law will give to the party who sues for its breach damages, not according to its letter, but only such as he is equitably entitled to.† Also, the Uniform Commercial Code provides exact stipulations on this matter in paragraph 2-302, where it stipulates that: â€Å"(1) If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract, or it may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result. (2) When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contract or any clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its commercial setting, purpose and effect to aid the court in making the determination. â€Å"3 This means that by law, Courts are entitled to refuse to enforce a contract or a clau se, if it finds it unconscionable, which is the case of Williams. CHAPTER 12 CASE 3 There are several issues that Horizon House Microwave Inc. can use in its favor. First of all, it refers to Hall’s reasons to getting a job for HHM. If Hall decided to become an employee at HHM only because of the promise he was made by Bazzy, it is one thing. BUT, if Hall had been working for HHM for a period prior to the promise, the situation changes. This means that while being employed at HHM, Hall received a full salary package and he was actually fairly remunerated for his work and he suffered no material loss for not purchasing company stocks. Therefore, no material damages can be claimed by Hall from HHM. Another important issue that could be used by Bazzy to refuse to sell stock to Hall as agreed may be the lack of a written agreement on this, that would confirm Bazzy’s intention to be bound to the verbal promise he has made. I would advise Bazzy to refer to the General Statut es, specifically  § 42a-8-319 where it is expressly stipulated that "A contract for the sale of securities is not enforceable by way of action or defense unless (a) there is some writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker sufficient to indicate that a contract has been made for sale of a stated quantity of described securities at a defined or stated price; or (b) delivery of the security has been accepted or payment has been made but the contract is

Heritage Tourism in Cities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Heritage Tourism in Cities - Essay Example However, every heritage contains real, underlying or symbolic importance that plays a critical role in terming its perception in society. This paper examines dark tourism, focusing on marketing and interpretation of House of Terror Museum in Hungary, a traumatic site as touring sites in the contemporary society. Smith and Robinson (2006, p105) defined heritage tourism as â€Å"leisure expeditions with the major objective of touring historic, natural, recreational and scenic sceneries to learn more about the past†. Dark tourism is one component of heritage tourism and it involves â€Å"visiting places associated with death, suffering and tragedy† (Cooper, et al 2008, p49). Heritage tourism is founded on the motivations and perceptions of the consumers or tourists rather than the particular characteristics that define the destination. According to Smith and Robinson (2006), the major motivation for touring heritage sites is the uniqueness of the tourism destination in rel ation to the tourists’ awareness or perception of their own heritage. Heritage tourism to a site with dark history evokes various emotions such as nostalgia, idealism, and a feeling of belonging in the time and space (Foley and Lennon1996). Stone (2006) argues that heritage tourism is both unique and universal, because it presents a heritage for all people at a given time. Although each site has its unique characteristic, dark tourism sites present a universal message to all persons, from the message of pain to suffering and anger among other feelings that characterize human beings. Heritage sites include various inherited localities such as historic buildings, artwork and scenic areas among others. A tourist travels to the heritage site with an objective of seeing the historical artefacts. These artefacts usually form an important connection between the cultural background of tourist and his or her history or past. However, the particular historical site or artefact elicits different emotions and reactions from various people. Holloway (2004) argues that it could elicit emotional encounter and make the individual feel closely connected with ancestors and the historical event, which makes the experience more than just a learning experience. Manino (1997) argues that dark tourism is a mysterious combination of heritage, history and tragedy. It evokes discussions of the past, present and future morals and ethics surrounding death of mankind. Some of the most popular sites for dark tourism include conflict sites and death camps which figuratively or literary embrace the memory of human suffering and violence that took place in a particular historical period (Manino 1997). Disastrous events such as the collapse of the world trade centre continue to elicit attention and curiosity from different people across the world. Similarly, scenes of accidents and large-scale loss of human lives usually become spontaneous attractions, where people gather to pay their r espects or just to witness and experience the terrifying aftermath. The uncharacteristic connection between leisure and pleasure in dark tourism has been a matter of moral and ethical discussion in the hospitality industry especially when it comes to marketing and promotion of the sites. Some heritage tourism critics contend that tourism is an immoral and inappropriate practice for presenting disturbing events of human history, such as death and tragedies and other forms of suffering. According to MacCannell (1989: p73),

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cases Analysis Part 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cases Analysis Part 3 - Coursework Example In this specific case, stating that if Williams ever missed a payment, the store could repossess all the items that Williams had ever bought from Walker, regardless of how long ago they were purchased is a strong example of unconscionable clause. If the clause referred only to that one purchase to which the missed payment referred, it would not be considered unreasonable and unfair. I believe that in this case, the bargaining power of the parties was definitely unequal, placing the consumer in a disadvantaged position. Therefore, Williams should ask the Court not to enforce this specific clause, based on its unconscionability and unfairness. Moreover, in multiple previous cases, it was held that a court can refuse to enforce a clause, if it considers it unconscionable. For example, a leading case in this is Scott v. United States2, where it was held by the Supreme Court that: â€Å"If a contract be unreasonable and unconscionable, but not void for fraud, a court of law will give to the party who sues for its breach damages, not according to its letter, but only such as he is equitably entitled to.† Also, the Uniform Commercial Code provides exact stipulations on this matter in paragraph 2-302, where it stipulates that: â€Å"(1) If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract, or it may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result. (2) When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contract or any clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its commercial setting, purpose and effect to aid the court in making the determination. â€Å"3 This means that by law, Courts are entitled to refuse to enforce a contract or a clau se, if it finds it unconscionable, which is the case of Williams. CHAPTER 12 CASE 3 There are several issues that Horizon House Microwave Inc. can use in its favor. First of all, it refers to Hall’s reasons to getting a job for HHM. If Hall decided to become an employee at HHM only because of the promise he was made by Bazzy, it is one thing. BUT, if Hall had been working for HHM for a period prior to the promise, the situation changes. This means that while being employed at HHM, Hall received a full salary package and he was actually fairly remunerated for his work and he suffered no material loss for not purchasing company stocks. Therefore, no material damages can be claimed by Hall from HHM. Another important issue that could be used by Bazzy to refuse to sell stock to Hall as agreed may be the lack of a written agreement on this, that would confirm Bazzy’s intention to be bound to the verbal promise he has made. I would advise Bazzy to refer to the General Statut es, specifically  § 42a-8-319 where it is expressly stipulated that "A contract for the sale of securities is not enforceable by way of action or defense unless (a) there is some writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker sufficient to indicate that a contract has been made for sale of a stated quantity of described securities at a defined or stated price; or (b) delivery of the security has been accepted or payment has been made but the contract is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Explain the events and circumstances that led to the construction of Research Paper

Explain the events and circumstances that led to the construction of the Berlin Wall - Research Paper Example Approximately 2.5 million people had migrated to West Berlin since the year 1949. The wall was hence constructed mainly to stop the migration from GDR (German Democratic Republic). The Berliners woke up on August 13 only to find themselves alienated from family, work, friends, and even homes. In the weeks and months which followed the barrier got strengthened with guard towers and concrete walls. The entire wall comprised of a concrete section of 66 miles and a height of 3.6 meters. It also had 41 more miles of a barbed wire fence and over 300 manned watch towers. The wall did not just passed through the city center but it circled West Berlin completely which was encircled by GDR communist (Sky news par.2). The document below analyzes the events as well as circumstances that contributed to the construction of the berlin wall. There several circumstances and events that took place prior to the construction of the berlin wall which contributed to its construction. These events which gave rise to the construction of the Berlin wall started in the Second World War. The Nazi Germany was allied originally with the communist Russia against the United States, Britain and France that were also allied. Adolf Hitler, however, violated his treaty with Josef Stalin, the Russian ruler, and invaded Russia. This pushed the soviets into an uncomfortable alliance with other allies. The soviets, however, had varying ideologies with its allies even though they were on the same side in the battle field. The Soviet Union could be referred as a communist nation. This was a system whereby the individual rights were subverted for the nation’s benefit. It was a totalitarian system as well that meant that the government was in control of everything and no elections that were held. Germany finally surrendered the war in the year 1945 while Hitler had just killed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Breakfast at Tiffany(TM)s Essay Example for Free

Breakfast at Tiffany(TM)s Essay Breakfast at Tiffanys is a romantic comedy that was released in America in the year 1961. Breakfast at Tiffanys was based on the novella by Truman capote. It introduces a young woman, played by Audrey Hepburn whose profession is a high class males escort, prostitute. When studying the film in more depth, I queried how and why a high class prostitute film could be so popular. In my article I will address and find out how and why the film is still so popular today. The film is a total of 110 minutes in length which is consequently 20 minutes longer than an average romantic comedy of today. The first scene is one of the main reasons why Breakfast at Tiffanys is so popular today. When making a film the opening scene is extremely important and needs to include certain things for the film to be popular and well selling. The opening scene of any film should set the scene and introduce the audience to the surroundings and setting of the film. When we see the character, protagonist, for the first time we are automatically drawn in by her as she is in the foreground and the only thing moving in the scene, our eyes are focused on her. The audience feels connected with her and has an opportunity to be a part of her life. The audience is then introduced to one of the main themes throughout the film of Tiffanys Tiffanys after this film became more popular and some members and shoppers of Tiffanys say that consequently Tiffanys was made by the link of the film and the well known jewellers. As the scene progresses the camera follows her from the side as she walks. Then the camera changes to behind her with the use of an over the shoulder shot to increase the already gained intimacy. The fact that she is an ordinary woman on an average day and she has nothing special makes the audience almost feel they could be her. Another reason why it is still so popular today is that it fits in with the romantic comedy criteria. Every girl or most girls love romantic comedies. The comedy can be identified in many of the scenes. For instance at the part scenes where lots of comedic techniques and ideas are used such as the cigarette burning a womans purple headdress and Holly checking the time on a mans watch consequently pouring a drink on the womans headdress. Also the cat jumping on everybody as they walked through the door. The comedy is basic and not to detailed as to not over power the romantic aspect of the film and this is why the film is still so popular. The soundtrack of the film is based around the song Moon River lyrics by Johnny Mercer, Music by Henry Mancini. The song is a total of 2 minutes 44 seconds and won an Oscar for the best original song. The music can be identified in many of the scenes, if carefully looked for. For instance in the party scene the song Moon River is played in the background but has been edited to create a more up-tempo version. The lyrics of Moon River are totally associated to the life of Holly Golightly. As the actress, Audrey Hepburn was no singer the song was very simple an only sung in one octave which almost makes the performance of the song more believable and the audience can relate to the lyrics more. The soundtrack can still be bought today from amazon and because it is still so widely available that helps the film stay so popular. Due to the advertising of the film, the film was made more popular. The poster that was widely used was the image of Audrey Hepburn on a white background with a border of blue, red and yellow. The poster has many hidden meanings in the images and colours used, for example, the border colours used, when added together, make the background colour of white. The yellow also used could mean wealth and link to jewellery from Tiffanys. Audrey Hepburns name is in capitals and black lettering as the film sold off her name. The picture of the protagonist takes up half of the poster as people aspire to be like her. The title of the film Breakfast at Tiffanys is in a red colour to represent Romance. In the background a shot of the end scene is added to show the setting of the film and to reveal the ending. All these things together make the film still so popular by creating a picture and selection of images which stick in the audiences mind for years to come. This poster can also still be bought in shops and on the internet. On Tuesday 5th December 2006 the Givenchy dress used in the 1961 film, was sold for 1.2 Million dollars which keeps Breakfast at Tiffanys constantly in todays society so the popularity of it is still withheld. Fashion of the 60s is still popular today whether that is because of the film or not, people still dress in 60s clothes and Audrey Hepburn is still kept as an admired icon. The novella that was used to base the film around had a different ending to the film. The ending of the novella resulted in Holly travelling to Brazil and sending Paul a postcard, Holly never wrote to him again. The director made the choice to change the ending for a variety of reasons. The way the novella ended was on a cliff hanger with loose ends which wouldnt make the film popular, so the director of Breakfast at Tiffanys decided to make the ending in to a typical happy, clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d ending that ties up all loose endings as more people prefer happy endings and they stay popular after time. The way the ending of the film now ends is that the audience can walk away from the film feeling happy and uplifted full of aspiration to be like her. Sinse the ending was changed i believe that it has helped the film to be influential to our culture and stay popular after 50 years due to the film still being a part of todays present society. Breakfast at Tiffanys is still so popular today due to the hard work and important techniques used when making the film, the film was created to achieve all the necessary aspects of a romantic comedy which hasnt changed in the last 50 years consequently making the film still a big hit today.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

People and Paperless Future for Organisations -- globalisation, social

Technology plays a major role in today’s organisations and offices, and has contributed positively to productivity and efficiency of businesses. Social media and globalisation may also have lead to an easier way of communication cross-culturally and making business with individuals and companies internationally. However, there is a concern that technology has gone so far that organisations and offices might become both paper and people less in the future. This paper will discuss and evaluate if there is a possibility for offices and organisations to be completely people and paper less in the future. The first part will define and explain the terms; globalisation, social media, office and organisation, the second will evaluate with the use organisational examples of which technology has changed the ways of interaction and services. The final part will include a conclusion and recommendations for the future. Globalisation can be defined as the following; â€Å"The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale† Globalisation is possible due to technological advances as the internet, smartphones, and computers and further back in time by improved vehicles and the ability to travel far distances, making the world smaller. However, part of globalisation is also traveling and social interaction amongst people’s cultures etc. One definition of social media can be websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. (Press, 2014) Social media has indeed simplified the interaction between people socially it is now easier to gain, have and further maintain contact with people across the world and condu... ...ielfisher/2012/05/02/poor-students-are-the-real-victims-of-college-discrimination/ Nogales, A. (2010, October 13). Facebook versus face-to-face. Retrieved March 27th, 2014, from Psychology: Podmoroff, D. (2014). Retrieved March 26th, 2014, from Mind Tools- essential skills for an excellent career : Press, O. U. (2014). Retrieved March 20th, 2014, from Oxford Dictionaries- Language Matters: street, Q. (2014). Retrieved March 27th , 2014, from Webopedia: University, P. (2012). Retrieved March 20th, 2014, from The Free Dictionary By Farlex :

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Self-Discovery in Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays

Self-Discovery in King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Halfway down   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hangs one that gathers samphire, dreadful trade!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Methinks he seems no bigger than his head:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fisherman that walk along the beach   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Appear like mice.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although this quote from Shakespeare's King Lear is made by Poor Tom to his unknowing father Gloucester about the terrain far below them, it accurately summarizes the plight of the mad king.   Lear is out of touch with his surroundings, riding high upon the wave of power associated with the monarchy: even those closest to him are out of   reach, viewed with a distorted lens.   It is through this lens of madness that Lear views his friends and family, and thus he is stripped of everything before he can realize the folly of his judgment. Reduced to a simple man, Lear is forced to learn the lessons that God's anointed is already supposed to know. This is the purpose of the secondary characters of King Lear; they serve to show the many complex facets of Lear's complex personality, as they force him to finally get in touch with his self-conscious.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For example, the Fool, oddly enough, acts as the voice of reason for the out-of -touch King.   He views events critically and thus seems to foreshadow situations that an ignorant Lear is completely oblivious to. This is evident in act 1, scene 1, when a prodding Fool asks the king if he knows the difference between a bitter fool and a sweet fool.   When Lear admits that he does not, the Fool attempts to lay it all out in front of   him:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That lord which councelled thee   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To give away thy land,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Come place him here by me;   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do thou for him stand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The sweet and bitter fool   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Will presently appear;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The one in motley here,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other found out there.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Fool attempts to show the king the folly of his ways. He is essentially calling Lear a bitter fool, insinuating that his foolishness will be the cause of such bitterness. This comment is taken lightly, but only because the Fool is a satire of the king himself, and thus is the only one allowed to criticize him. Lear has a preconceived notion that he will be able to give up all of his land and his throne, and yet still somehow hold on to the power that he is so accustomed to.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Alas, the king does not listen.   He continues to believe he still has the power that he has long since conceded. He does not believe that by deviding the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Transaction, Operating Accounting Exposures

Transaction, Operating, & Accounting (Translation) Exposures Foreign Exchange Exposure – measures the potential for a firm’s profitability, net cash flow, and market value to alter because of a change in exchange rates. Q: What are the three main foreign exchange exposures? A: 1) Transaction Exposure 2) Operating Exposure 3) Accounting Exposure Transaction Exposure – measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates.Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) – measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operating cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) – measures accounting-derived changes in owner’s equity as a result of translating foreign currency financial statements into a single reporting currency. Exhibit 8. 1 [pic] Note: In th e fourth quarter of 2001 Amazon. om reported a net income of $5 million, due in part to a one-time foreign currency gain of $16 million. Hedging – To take a position that will rise (or fall) in value to offset a change in value of an existing position. |Benefits of Hedging |Costs of Hedging | |Improved the planning capability of the firm. |Risk-averse strategy that benefits management more than | |Reduced the likelihood of financial distress. i. e. the risk that cash|shareholders. (i. e. shareholders can diversify currency risk on an| |flows will fall below what is required for debt payments and continued|â€Å"as needed† basis) | |operations) |Consumes the firm’s resources and expected cash flows to the firm | |Management has a comparative advantage over shareholders. (i. e. |are not increased. (i. e. gency theory, NPV of hedging is zero, | |understanding the currency risk of the firm and take advantage of a |and FX losses appear on the I/S while hedging are b uried in | |disequilibrium through selective hedging) |operating and interest expenses) | Transaction Exposure Transaction Exposure – measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates. Transaction exposure can arise from the following activities: ? Purchasing or selling foreign goods and services on credit. Borrowing or lending in another currency. ? Foreign exchange contracts. Exhibit 8. 3 The Life Span of Transaction Exposure [pic] Example Expect to collect ? 1,000,000 in three months on a sale, minimum acceptable value $1,700,000. Q: What type of transaction exposure has occurred? A: Billing Exposure S0 = $1. 7640/? ES90= $1. 76/? F90= $1. 7540/? iU. K. = 10% per year (2. 5% per quarter) kU. K. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) iU. S. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) kU. S. = 6% per year (1. 5% per quarter) P90ATM = $1. 75 (1. 5% premium) P90OTM = $1. 71 (1% premium)Note: ES90 is the estimated spot rate in three mont hs, â€Å"i† is the borrowing interest rate, and â€Å"k† is the investment interest rate, P90ATM is an at-the-money three-month put option, and P90OTM is an out-of-the-money three month put option. Q: Is the pound expected to appreciate or depreciate? A: Depreciate Q: What is the forward premium/discount on the pound? A: [pic] Q: What are the four alternatives to hedge a transaction exposure? A:1) Remain unhedged 2) Hedge in the forward market 3) Hedge in the money market 4) Hedge in the options market 1) Remain unhedged, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at the new spot rate. pic] 2) Hedge in the forward market, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at $1. 7540/?. [pic] 3) Hedge in the money market, borrow ? 975,610 today, and exchange for dollars at the current spot rate ($1. 7640/? ). Invest the $1,720,976 for 90 days, and in 90 days pay back the loan + interest with the ? 1,000,000. Q: To construct a money market hedge, how much should the investor borrow today if the annual interest rate is 10% and the company expects to receive ? 1,000,000 in 90 days? A: [pic] Q: At what investment rate is the money market hedge superior to the forward contract? A: [pic] pic] Note: Either the forward contract or the money market hedge is better than an uncovered position if the spot rate at time 2 is less than the forward rate. But, if the funds can be invested at anything above 7. 68% (or 1. 92% for 90 days) then the money market hedge is a better option than the forward contract. If the spot rate at time 2 is greater than what can be earned by investing the funds in the company (in this case the funds are invested in the company yielding the company’s WACC of 12% or $1,772,605) then the uncovered hedge would be superior. 4) Hedge in the options market.An at-the-money[1] (ATM) put option is selling for a 1. 5% premium. The cost of the option is (size of the option) x (premium) x (spot rate) = cost, in this case ? 1,000,000 x 0. 015 x $1. 7640 = $26 ,460. This is the maximum loss, while the maximum gain is the spot price – the cost of the option. [pic] To compare the alternatives, first estimate what you expect spot rates to be, then estimate a range of possible prices, and consider your ability to accept the downside. Then select the best strategy. Some Examples: [pic] Q: Transaction exposure arises from what? A: Sales and expenses that are already contracted for.Operating Exposure Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) – measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operating cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Q: Operating Exposure depends on whether an unexpected change in exchange rates causes unanticipated changes in what? A: Sales volume, sales prices, or operating costs Figure 9. 1 Financial and Operating Cash Flows Between Parent and Subsidiary [pic] Q: What are four proactive ways to manage op erating exposure?A: 1) Matching currency cash flows 2) Risk-sharing agreements 3) Back-to-back or parallel loans 4) Currency swaps Note: Planning for operating exposure depends on the interaction of strategies in finance, marketing, purchasing, and production. Accounting (Translation) Exposure Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) – measures accounting-derived changes in owner’s equity as a result of translating foreign currency financial statements into a single reporting currency. Q: What are the financial goals of the multinational enterprise? A:1) To maximize consolidated after-tax income ) To minimize the firm’s effective global tax burden 3) To correct the positioning of the firm’s income, cash flows, and available funds. Note: These goals are frequently seen as inconsistent. Functional currency – the dominate currency used by the foreign subsidiary in its day-to-day operations. Q: What are the two basic methods for the translation of fo reign subsidiary financial statements? A: 1) The current rate method 2) The temporal method Current rate method – a method of translating the financial statements of foreign affiliates into the parent’s reporting currency.All assets and liabilities are translated at the current exchange rate. Temporal method – assumes that a number of individual line item assets such as inventory and net plant and equipment are restated regularly to reflect market value. Q: Which method is the most common worldwide? A: The current rate method Q: What are the advantages of the current rate method? A: 1) The variability of reported earnings due to translation gains or losses is eliminated, because the gain or loss on translation goes directly to a reserve account (rather than passing through the income statement). ) Does not distort balance sheet ratios such as the current ratio or debt-to-equity ratio (because the relative proportions of the individual balance sheet accounts rema in the same. Q: What is the disadvantage of the current rate method? A: 1) It violates the accounting principle of carrying balance sheet accounts at historical costs. Q: What is the advantage of the temporal method? A: 1) Foreign nonmonetary assets are carried at their original cost in the parent’s consolidated statement. Homework Problems Chapter 8 1.Imagine one of the companies from your final project is expecting an $80million payment in one year. The company also expects $20million in expenses in one year. Use real figures or the following: Current spot rate 3. 4x/$ (trend shows 3. 8x/$ two months ago) Interest rates are 14% in your country and 4% in the U. S. Forward contracts are too expensive Based on the current spot rate and relative interest rates, please advise your company on its currency exposure. Chapter 9 2. Imagine one of your companies will soon be exporting to China.Use the following (replace the $ equivalent with your currency at the current spot price): C urrent sales of 1,000,000 units per year at a price equivalent to $24 each. Current spot price Rmb8. 2/$, but the H. K. advisory will drop the value next week to Rmb10/$. Direct costs are 75% of the U. S. dollar sales price. Accepting this forecast, advise the company on two options: 1) Maintain the same renminbi price (i. e. no change in price) 2) Raise the price to offset the devaluation and experience a 10% drop in unit volume. A) What would be the short-run (one year) impact of each strategy?B) Which do you recommend? Optional Assignment: (0. 5 participation points) Prepare a write-up on the country you are doing for your final project. (Include GDP, inflation, major exports/imports, major stock exchange, currency, exchange rate, and anything else you find interesting and relevant)†¦ use sources like countryreports. org, cia. gov, etc. And remember to compare your country to something (i. e. the U. S. or another country in the region)†¦ Try to make everything you turn in look â€Å"professional,† imagine you're getting paid for your work.Please cite your sources throughout the report, and if you could e-mail it to me before next Monday, that's even better. Final Project These are two great sites to look at for your final project: globaledge. msu. edu www. world-exchanges. org ———————– [1] An at-the-money put, means that the strike price is equal to the current spot price†¦ Meaning an investor is indifferent between exercising the option or going to the market. In this case the forward rate is $1. 7540/? , and the option is $1. 75/? plus 1. 5% premium.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Open Racism

When I think about is racism still alive today, a particular poem comes into mind its entitled:â€Å"Racism Is Around Me Everywhere†. | | â€Å"Of human ignorance I am almost in despair For racism is around me everywhere But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Some people carry their honor in a flag And of their Nationality they brag They feel superior and they differentiate And against those who are different they discriminate. So many people still judged by their race For such there never ought to be a place ‘A fair go' those untruthful words I do recallThere is no such a thing as a ‘fair go for all'. Though we live in a so called democracy Of racism we never will be free They judge you by where you come from and the color of your skin For many equality and respect seems impossible to win. It's been awhile since the days of Martin Luther King His name to it has a familiar ring If against racism he did not choose to strive Today the great man he would be alive. So many holding the reins of power not spiritually aware And racism is around me everywhere And racism only leads to division and war Just goes to show how ignorant some are. † (Frances Duggar) | |Racism is a belief held by some that there are characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. For people throughout the world, the election of Barak Obama to the U. S. presidency seemed to signal in a new era, that of the end of racism. Indeed, Obama's election was a momentous occasion and, one would have hoped, a milestone on the road to reconciliation.However, some recent, very ominous events cast a worrisome veil over the democratic process in the United States. These events poin ts out how racism is still a problem in the United States. Racism occurs often times out of fear. Many people fear what is different to them and what they do not know. This in turn, makes it scary when you see people who look different than you do and sometimes, you treat those individuals differently because you do not know them. Racism occurs in different facets of society. Schools, the government and the workplace are sometimes the worst examples of racism.Racism in schools Millions of African American and Latino young people in the United States don’t get an education equal to that of most whites, partly because the urban schools they go to don’t have as much money as the schools in the white suburbs. This is because the country has decided that much of the money for schools should come from local property taxes. So in communities where the houses and businesses are less expensive, the schools don’t get enough money to provide a high quality education. This is unfair. This is institutional racism.If we financed schools differently every student, regardless of his or her â€Å"race†, could go to a high quality school that was the equal of the schools other students attend. The Government Hurricane Katrina: The government had known for years that a big hurricane was likely to cause dangerous flooding in New Orleans. The plans they made didn’t include any way to get poor people (predominately African Americans) out of the city to safety. When the storm and the flooding did come with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, much of the country saw on TV that thousands of people of color were stranded in the city without food, water, housing or safety.The government was incredibly slow to rescue people, to provide food and shelter, and to help them rebuild their houses. Many people believe that if those stranded had been mostly white people the rescue efforts would have been much quicker and effective. Racism in the Workplace Racism in the form of discrimination persists in society also. A case in point is that blacks have traditionally suffered from higher rates of unemployment than whites. In June 2009, black employment was at 15. 3 % compared to an 8. 8% unemployment rate for whites. Do blacks simply not take the initiative that whites do to find work?Studies indicate that, in actuality, discrimination likely contributes to the black-white unemployment gap. (Thompson) Critics will say how can racism still exists with the election of the United States first black president. Since President Obama took office he has been a rise of subtle racism against our president. It can be seen in the supporters of the new â€Å"birthers† movement, who stir up doubts about Obama's citizenship. During the 2008 presidential campaign, there was no impetus to question John McCain’s birthplace even though it was common knowledge that McCain was born in Panama; because he is white.The president’s birthplace should n ot have been an issue at all but yet to this day you still have a lot of Americans who still question his birthplace. Critics also say with electing our first minority president, and minorities reaching higher levels of education, obtaining more earnings and more distinguished careers, one might infer that prejudice is dead. I contend that it is alive and flourishing while lurking beneath the shadows of figures that naturally inflate with the growth of a burgeoning society.If racism does not exist then what accounts for â€Å" the wide range of disparities that still exist in society, most of which show black Americans with worse outcomes than whites in areas such as income, home ownership, health and employment,† study researcher Samuel Sommers, a psychologist at Tufts University, said in a statement. When most Americans think of racism they think of the open racism back in the Civil Rights movement and during slavery times when crosses were burned in African-American yards. They think of the KKK when they think of racism which was upfront and in your face. The fact that the KKK and groups such as these that still exist prove the point that racism still occurs in the United States. While racism may not be as widespread as before, it exists, without a doubt. While we like to think that those unfortunate days of racism are behind us, it still exists. Today, racism is much less obvious and less prevalent. However, we are still reminded that racism is alive and well, and we must continue working to do away with it.Every day in the news there are stories dealing with the unfair treatment of minorities, women, and gays. America is the best country in the world because of the opportunity given to every individual and because of its constant struggle for equality of all. Any person, of any race, creed, or religion can succeed with hard work and determination. The problem is that the level of those individual’s success is sometimes determined, by the colo r of their skin. The race for social equality is persistent here, but there are still problems with the system.So, unfortunately racism does still exist today in the United States. References William-White, L. , & White, J. (2011). Color Marks the Site/Sight of Social Difference: Dysconscious Racism in the â€Å"Age of Obama†. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(9), 837. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2495960131). William March. (16 May). Researcher: Evidence shows racism in opposition to Obama. McClatchy – Tribune Business News,. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2348227321). Thompson Matthew (2011).Does Racism still exist today? Answers from Men. Retrived December 12, 2011 http://www. answersfrommen. com/2011/01/does-racism-still-exist-today/ Mosser, K. (2011). An introduction to logic. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (https://content. ashford. edu) Pappas Stephanie. (2001) Study: Whites say they are racists’ victims. Retrieved December 12, 2011. http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2011/05/24/scitech/main20065864. shtml http://poemhunter. com/poem/racism-is-around-me-everywhere/ http://www. politicususa. com/en/political-racism

Beazer Homes Case Essay

Investors were lead to believe that the company financials were healthier than they actually were, as evidenced by the changes noted when the financial statements had to be restated. As a result of doing this, investors who were under the impression of a healthier position, continued to invest in an organization that was essentially doing nothing more than stealing their money; money which could have been invested into a different enterprise rather than padding the pockets of executives that didn’t earn it. As a result of having to restate financial statements, the per share price of Beazer Homes dropped from the $35/share price level in may, to approximately $11/share by the end of July. This is a significant loss in wealth for investors. In addition to the allegations against Mr. Rand for possible accounting fraud, allegations were also brought against Beazer Homes for mortgage fraud. To address the question as to which is a more serious offense, it would be our opinion that both would carry an equal weight of seriousness. On the one hand, investors were misled, as noted above, and this led to a significant loss of wealth for many, especially those individuals and/or institutions that may have held a large position. On the other hand, to address the issue of mortgage fraud, new homeowners were oftentimes cheated out of money that they paid to Beazer Homes. A example of this is when Beazer Homes would require purchasers to pay a fee for â€Å"interest discount points† at closing. Then Beazer Homes would keep the cash received and not lower the interest rate. This is just one example, but it can be an extremely costly one when you look at how much a . 25 percent or . 5 percent reduction in an interest rate can be over the life of a 20 or 30 year fixed rate mortgage; that’s if Beazer Homes wasn’t trying to convince people that an adjustable rate or hybrid mortgage would be better for their situation. Additionally, Beazer Homes ignored income requirements when making loans to unqualified purchasers, which not only put the purchaser in jeopardy of having the income needed to make their ayments, but in the event of default or foreclosure, it can have a significant impact on the home values of the neighborhood. As a result of these legal issues with Beazer Homes, the SEC issued a notice to the Beazer Homes CEO called the Wells notice. The Wells notice was created under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which states that if a firm has to restate their financial statements, the SEC can require the CEO and CFO to return any and all bo nuses that were received during the period of restated financial statements. Additionally, the CEO and CFO do not need to have any knowledge of errors. The SEC issued the Wells notice to the Beazer Homes CEO, Ian J. McCarthy, on 13 November 2009, indicating that the SEC would be brining a civil case against him to collect incentive compensation. In the notice issued to the CEO, there was no indication or allegations of cover-up, or misconduct, on the part of Mr. McCarthy with respect to the financial statements or other disclosures that were published during the period in question.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Social impact of the DIAMOND INDUSRTY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social impact of the DIAMOND INDUSRTY - Essay Example Diamond stones additionally may be structured under the high weights and temperatures at the site of shooting star sways. The precious stones structured throughout an effect may be generally junior, however a few shooting stars hold star dust, garbage from the demise of a star, which may incorporate jewel gems. One such shooting star is known to hold small precious stones in excess of 5 billion years of age. The bonds are framed when carbon is at high temperatures and under high weights. Characteristic precious stones are made where it counts down in the earth, about 180km underneath the surface, where high temperatures and weights exist commonly. Under the worlds hull is the shelf, which is made up of liquid shake, metals and different materials (Zoellner, 2007). Diamond stones are utilized for cutting glass and off and on again in the coarseness of streamlined sandpaper. Jewels are known for being the hardest characteristic known material on Earth. They must be scratched by an alternate precious stone consequently they are utilized for cleaning devices. Diamond mining or any kind of mining is obviously not reasonable. You burrow an opening; you take stuff out of the gap, and take it someplace else. In the long run, the gap uses up the stuff you were uncovering. That is not economical. In any case as a movement, precious stone mining might be made to help manageability. Firstly, we distinguish that advancement is important to dispense with destitution and to give monetary decisions to northern people groups (Davis, 1999). Incomes from Diamonds stones assume a key part in driving budgetary improvement. They are our single greatest investment affect, and invigorate development and venture. Our associations with governments and groups help us to change characteristic assets into imparted and enduring national fortune. The worldwide Diamonds stone industry utilizes in the ballpark of 10

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Culture geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Culture geography - Essay Example The initial symptoms of the disease included a high fever, accompanied by running noise and conjunctivitis(CDC). After some time, the person can develop rashes on the face that can spread to the back and trunk. In some cases, it can also present as pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis, febrile convulsions, diarrhea, laryngitis, otitis media, bronchitis, and croup. Once a diagnosis of measles is made, treatment has always to be provided. Such medications are provided to prevent worsening symptoms or suspected complications. Commonly prescribed drugs are antipyretics, antibiotics, rehydration agents and cough syrups(CDC). For primary prevention of the disease, immunization is often used for any children under the age of 5 years. Measles can have a usual occurrence and an unusual occurrence. That implies that the symptoms of measles can vary from person to person. In some people, measles can present as a rash, conjunctivitis and running nose together with fever, and take a period of more than a week for it to heal. In other people, the disease can progress to a worse states resulting to various complications(CDC). Currently, due to the lack of treatment of measles once one gets it, as it is entirely dependent on one’s immune system, quite a number of complications can result from it.When one has measles, one loses a lot of fluids through running noise, through high fevers, through diarrhea, hence resulting to an electrolyte imbalance shift together with dehydration. Dehydration can have several complications if not corrected in advance(CDC). Patients can suffer from complications of electrolyte depletion like hypokalemia, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypomagesia, and loss of other elements. Measles in Iceland is believed to have come from North of the country and infected the town of Reykjavic first. It later spread to three towns on the oopposite side of the country and thereafter to the densely-populated southwest. Finally there was a breakout of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Fraud Factor by Mathias K. Kopetzky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Fraud Factor by Mathias K. Kopetzky - Essay Example Leary, on the other hand, had a shy personality. These two future business associates met at an organization referred to as CCC Computer Corp, where Leary was the manager at the technical support and assembling center and Kearns was a noteworthy and store computer. These two were very proficient salespeople who often delivered more sales that the company would really be able to sale. The two worked for CCC for many years, but later Kearns quit the job due to low pay, and he decided to start his own business ventures. His planned to call his new business ‘Gamma Computer Inc.’ and with the help of Simon, he hoped to draw all customers to his new founded business (Wells 115). From the author, we learn that this new business showed tremendous growth in quite a short time interval. This was extremely easy for it to achieve since Herbert had learned enough while at CCC Company, hence he would easily apply business practices for all clients. Second Savings Bank, one of the larg est financial corporations in the country supported Gamma in this corporation. Such help is also important as it enhances the market segment of the weaker company since people are always pulled towards a company that has noteworthy performance. From the author, we learn that Second Saving supported Gamma in a variety of ways. ... The article reveals that the Netherlands Holding Company, an Amsterdam based company proposed to purchase 100% of the stock of Gamma. At this time, gamma had sales of about $100million. This made Herbert Kearns a very ecstatic man since this had been his lifelong dream; to be wealthy at aged 45. The deal required that Herbert and Simon had to stay on with the new buyers for a period of three years after the sale, and they would be able to cash in if at all a third of their acquisition proceeded, and the remainder was to be earned through a three year period of business success. We are told that Simon resigned a few weeks later due to ‘family reasons’, which as the author reveals later was a farce. This was astonishing since it went against the requirements of the deal they had made i.e. he forfeited two-thirds of sales of the company’s price since he did not remain for the stipulated period. Later, we see that receivables of the company being sold in unclear circu mstances, albeit the opposition of Jim Muller, the account representative of Gamma. However, eight weeks after, Gamma again bought all receivables and it pledged these receivables to Second savings for purposes of financing. Therefore, the situation reverted to normal in that Second savings exhibited outstanding credit that had receivables of Gamma Computer. This happened in March, and by October of that year, Gamma was declared bankrupt due to its inability to clear its invoices within the required time despite the company has increased sales. The collapse of Gamma shocked Second Savings bank as it was always unaware of the financial difficulties of its client.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Piano Lesson by August Wilson Research Paper

The Piano Lesson by August Wilson - Research Paper Example The point of the disagreement is the piano. Boy Willie has travelled to Pittsburgh to get his portion of the piano, which is presently in the ownership of Berniece, his sister.   Boy Willie is a ruffian, and thinks that the profit from the piano gives him his finest opportunity to surpass the social and economic persecution that has troubled the men in his family (Boan 73). Yet, his vision of a better life is prevented by the refusal of Berniece to put on sale what is, she believes, a very important symbol the family’s history. All over the play, therefore, the piano becomes a criterion through which conflicting perceptions of the past could be assessed. The outcome is that Wilson has re-interpreted the difficulties of bearing the weight of history, which is at the core of his other stories, into an issue of how to use history in the most effective way. As Wilson said (Krasner 327): â€Å"The real issue is the piano, the legacy. How are you going to use it?†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Wilson dreamed of writing a ten-play series that would highlight the history of African Americans in his country. He tool on the responsibility of an ancestral ‘griot’ whose obligation was to protect and perpetuate his culture’s history and heritage: â€Å"†¦ the role of the griot is significant since it is with him we mark the beginning of African literary tradition as we know it† (Miller 97). So as to accomplish this he engaged in his ten-play series which would introduce the experience of the African Americans to his fellow citizens and to the rest of the world.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Personal reflection - and academic literature to support that Essay

Personal reflection - and academic literature to support that reflection - Essay Example ate with company policies and decisions is another crucial role in my opinion as in any lack of communications the workflow can be interrupted and precious time can be wasted. On the other hand, keeping record and communicating with suppliers should be a separate role under a purchases department, that department should analyse marketing information and sales reports to anticipate the future supply needs and compare market prices with offers and freight. Finally, maintaining records of business meetings is an important part of the roles assigned to the secretary. In that regard a continuous follow-up can boost all other functions and remind them of their own deadlines mentioned and approved in the regular meetings, this can make the company leader work in following up with the progress of each department a much easier task, as well as the other roles in an organisation. Personally, I think my long experience in administrative roles had helped me significantly to cope with the presented tasks. I’ve had real life experience as a committee secretary for two years in my 15 years work experience. In addition to having a recent experience in business setup and managing a new business that helped me anticipate some of the similar progress timeframes I also had a pre-assumption on some facts and regulations that might be of assistance in some cases but an obstacle in others. For an example, I knew the time frame it takes  products to be purchased and the difficulty of sales. I also knew the profit percentage of the returns and the running expenses, but in return I had pre-assumptions that held me from anticipating the free facilities offered by the University Personally I’ve been faced with some challenges within the specific tasks of my role, and one could be my problem with time management issues. For the past 15 years, I  have attended few seminars and courses related to time management but unfortunately I keep misjudging my capacity for work volume and

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Police Brutality Essay Example for Free

Police Brutality Essay Unfortunately, nowadays the people who are supposed to protect us and help us when we are in need, sometimes cannot be trusted. Police brutality has always been a problem, but theres been a dramatic rise in police murders and brutalization of citizens. Police Brutality is anything from harassment from a police officer to being murdered by one.Police officers risk their lives everyday they put on their uniform. They serve the community by keeping it safe from those who break the law. Police are trained to use force when necessary and to have discretion on how much force to use on someone. The tactics they use are to apprehend a criminal, and to keep those who are around a criminal, safe. Officers carry weapons such as a baton, mace, or a gun. These weapons are to keep themselves and the communities they serve safe. Sometimes officers who are either not properly trained or who neglect to use the appropriate amount of force on a suspect, can suffer the consequences of police brutality. â€Å"Police brutality is a civil rights violation that occurs when a police officer acts with excessive force by using an amount of force with regards to a civilian that is more than necessary. Excessive force by a law enforcement officers is a violation of a persons rights. Force should be used in only the minimum amount needed to achieve a purpose. Police brutality is a direct violation of the laws within the police force. The use of excessive force is also a direct violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S Constitution regarding cruelty and protection of the laws†( One of the major causes of police brutality is stress. Each day, police officers have to deal with the fact that their lives are within their own hands and being that they are thought of as the enemy by a criminal they feel the need to protect themselves at any cost. An officer may feel threatened and might not know his or her own strength, therefore they might  do anything to protect themselves if they feel threatened. The stress of being a cop can lead to other issues other than police brutality. The amount of stress of their job is so high it can affect them in various ways later in life. â€Å"The extreme stress and pressure placed on police officers has caused an increasing numbers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder cases, alcoholism, suicide, early retirement, breakdowns and burnout being reported by police officers across the country†( Another cause of police brutality is simply abuse of power. Not all cops break the rules, but not all cops follow t hem. Police brutality can be any of the following acts; â€Å"profane or abusive language, commands to move or go home, field stops and searches, threats of implied violence, prodding with a nightstick or approaching with a pistol, the actual use of physical force†( Racism is also a major cause of police brutality. The most famous of all police brutality cases is, of course, Rodney Kings case. On March 3, 1991, four Los Angeles police officers beat Rodney King as eleven other officers stood by watching. Rodney King was in a high-speed car chase with the officers, when his car was finally stopped, he hesitated to get out of his car. When he did, he was said to jump at the officers. He was hit by two darts from a stun gun, which didnt seem to work. Rodney King still refused to obey the officers and lie flat on the ground. But, in less than two minutes, he was hit with 56 baton blows and kicked six times. He suffered from eleven skull fractures, brain damage, broken bones, knocked out teeth and kidney damage. Also, emotional and physical trauma. Not in all cases are the victims of police brutality innocent, obviously, as you can see in Rodney Kings case ( no matter how rude or uncooperative a suspect is being, this extreme force from officers should not be used. Racism has always been and always be around. The fact that it is policing is evident through such acts as these. Sometimes these harmful acts go overlooked by departments, either because of they do not want the publicity, the department might not know what actually happened, or they simply do not care. Racism is not just against African Americans, all minorities are at risk for being the victim of a cops believes or disbelieves. Another reason police brutality happens is some officers believe that its necessary to come down hard on those who resist arrest because they may kill the next police officer who tries to arrest  them so you have to teach them a lesson. â€Å"Another practice is the screen test, police jargon for applying the brakes on a police vehicle to that the handcuffed prisoner in back will be thrown against the metal protective screen†( When an officer breaks the law and victimizes a person he or she will should be punished and depending on the case they should face suspension, job termination, or even jail time. Those whose rights have been violated often receive large amounts of money in out of court settlements, which means the taxpayer is paying for authorities right to abuse their power . Cops who have committed these acts usually face no serious prosecution, if any at all. So far, of all the documented murders since 1977, only one officer has been convicted of homicide. Any man that kills another, for no matter what reason, should have to face consequences. Anyone can become a victim of police brutality, but the most common are minorities, juveniles, and low class citizens. Minorities are victimized because of their skin color and the believes of the officer they encounter. The fact that officers target minorities has been known for decades. Many races are still not accepted by people today. Juveniles can also become targets of the police. Young adults often find themselves in tough situations getting in trouble with the law. They struggle to find a sense of self and often look to crime as an easy way out. An officer might target a young adult assuming he or she is up to no good, judging solely by the way they carry themselves. Low class citizens often do not have the money for a good lawyer so even if they were victimized they have no one to turn to for help. They most likely do not have guidance on how to properly seek justice they rightfully deserve. Also in most cases, unless there is physical evidence, police misconduct is often on e side of the story against another. In order to prevent police from using unnecessary amount of force on citizens there must be an understanding of each others position on society. Although a beating from a police officer may not be the victims fault, there are some ways to try and prevent from being a part of a traumatic experience. When an officer does not feel threatened he or she is less  likely to become frantic and full of adrenaline which would make the confrontation with him or her less dangerous and beneficial to both the cop and the civilian. The number of cases of police brutality is not as high as the years of the civil rights act, but there is still a need for a way to help fix the problem. Not every case is known to the public and reported. Departments need to properly train officers to deal with certain situations properly. While they might not be perfect when it comes to hiring, they should keep a close eye on those who they hire to make sure any officer hired doesnt have a different personality when on duty. A personality that would be dangerous to those who surround him or her. Hopefully there will be a system in the future that will help minimize the chances of police brutality. Sources 1.) Above the Law: Police and the Excessive Use Of Force by: Jerome H. Skolnick, James J. Fyfe 1994. Published by: The Free Press, New York. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)