Saturday, February 22, 2020

Management Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management Ethics - Coursework Example This is because of the fact that he let the argument end thus according Willi an opportunity to survive. At the time when the boats had just sunk, Willi knew very well that he was headed to an enemy’s boat, his persistent plea and aggressiveness saved his life. He engaged the crew in the boated in an animated debate and he completely denied being an enemy, this portrays a clear evidence of an aggressive communication style. There is a strong evidence of compatibility of the styles used in this movie; the strong interconnectivity between fate of the characters and their communication prowess is highly defined. Willi used his communication aggressiveness to convince the crew at the time he boarding the boat, and also when he killed Gus when the rest of the crew in the boat was asleep. An interrelation is shown between aggressiveness and assertiveness, this is when Willi insisted that he was not an enemy while at the same time Garrett and Connie Porter took an advantage of the passiveness in Kovac’s communication style and made sure that Willi was not drowned. Several communication patterns are shown in different episodes in this movie, major patterns are either verbal or non verbal. The verbal patterns are accompanied with questioning as a pattern. That was used by Kovac when he interrogated more about Willi when he wanted to board the boat, however non verbal pattern is evident when Willi was ask ed about the whereabouts of Gus, his guilt in the drowning of Gus was evident when he started sweating unconsciously. Self concealing as a pattern was majorly used when Willi denied being an enemy knowing very well that he was not a Briton. The overall communication between the between the characters was highly effective as shown between Willi and the crew members at the time of boarding the boat, also it is evident when Connie Porter and Garret were

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Corporate Social Responsibility Reports - Essay Example to ensure that organisations run in respect to social norms as well as rules and that the stakeholders are treated distinctly from the organisation itself. Besides, all stakeholders are to receive similar treatments within the organisation and that management is expected to run the organisation to the benefit of all stakeholders. However, it is not obvious that these reports effectively serve on this purposes and this informs the reason of this report. This paper intends to evaluate the effectiveness of these reports in serving the above purpose as against as just mere ‘vehicles’ adopted for public relations among trading organisations. CSR from the Perspective of Accounting Theories Positive theories are adopted with a motive of explaining or predicting the behaviors of corporate as against prescribing the manner in which such organisations ought to behave. The theories revolve around the common notion that the society and corporate have mutual influences where the soci ety influences the corporate performance while the corporate equally influences on the society (Rodriguez and LeMaster, 2007, pp. 370-385). It implies that organisations are distinct constituents of the larger social systems within which we live in. analyzing economic issues as is done within the CSR brings on board the political theories because the social, political as well as institutional frameworks defines environment in which economic activities by corporations take place. This therefore revolves around integrative theories such as legitimacy theorem as well as stakeholder’s theorem. The legitimacy theorem constitutes the formal and informal constraints to which accounting procedures must adhere. The formal constraints comprise of legal frameworks, accounting standards as well as... As the report declares positive theories are adopted with a motive of explaining or predicting the behaviors of corporate as against prescribing the manner in which such organisations ought to behave. The theories revolve around the common notion that the society and corporate have mutual influences where the society influences the corporate performance while the corporate equally influences on the society. This discussion declares that organisations are distinct constituents of the larger social systems within which we live in. analyzing economic issues as is done within the CSR brings on board the political theories because the social, political as well as institutional frameworks defines environment in which economic activities by corporations take place. This therefore revolves around integrative theories such as legitimacy theorem as well as stakeholder’s theorem. The legitimacy theorem constitutes the formal and informal constraints to which accounting procedures must adhere. The formal constraints comprise of legal frameworks, accounting standards as well as professionalism, which instigates mandatory disclosures. On the other hand, the informal legitimacy theorem represents self-imposed frameworks of behavior and conventions governing the societies within which organisations run. This is because organisations strive to operate within the predefined rules and regulation go verning the societies within which they operate.