Friday, September 27, 2019

Homework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Homework - Research Paper Example focus on standardizing the models that they use in carrying out their businesses and dedicate the needs of the IT system leading to a better performance. The institution should also consider the major forces that affect its profitability and align the IT system with the most current business practices that in carries. The top management of the institution should channel its efforts on prioritizing for equal resource allocations, while on the other hand the I/C management puts its focus on making an IT system that works following the guidelines of the company’s top management. On the level of service, the focus should be placed on the basic needs of the target customers and the IT performance should be based on the doctors of Peachtree new system design that brings about reliability without squashing doctors independence (Too far ahead of the curve? 2007). Again, the institution can use a service level alignment to ensure that all their external and internal domains align, maintain the quality of the care that they provide, their greatest assets and all the doctors to receive and play a part in the implementation process. To retain the doctors flexibility in decision-making, there should be an introduction of an IT system that is in a position to allow for surgical standardization. The institution should provide a user-friendly system for doctors by placing its focus on extreme system simplicity while at the same time maintaining the care quality for their businesses. Using pre-built SOA modules when possible and at the same time, basing all the modules will improve the communication and the interface between the doctors and the management in each module (‘too far ahead of the curve? 2007). Peachtree can also focus on purchasing custom- built services and channel its energies on those modules that pertain only to their business. As per this reason, it is imperative to come up with the strategic partnership to implement, operate and update a standardized

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