Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chapter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 5 - Essay Example Then proceed to the actual purchase. The decision to purchase and the selection will be based on the features of the product, the perceived value and its capabilities. Then proceed with post purchase analysis. From the onset, the marketers should know that purchasing only exists because there exists are need. It therefore follows that the strategy to generate or reinforce a need in the consumers mind is absolutely significant in stimulating the consumer purchasing behaviour. This can be done through thorough marketing campaigns such as advertisements. The marketers should create brand awareness among consumers. Consumers normally select products that they know by name or those in their mind, this is called Top-of –mind awareness or TOPA. The marketers also need to improve customer relations and the general shopping experience for the consumers. This will go a long way in forging strong relations and improving reputation of the marketer’s product hence creating customer

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